Today’s world is an arena of competition. This competition in the business environment has led companies, organizations, technology owners and researchers, wherever they stand in the technology chain from idea to market, to enhance their situation and gain more share. Therefore, any activity at different levels, including policy-making, support, infrastructure providing, and research activities, requires careful and intelligent planning, because taking essential steps without planning and paying attention to key aspects is costly. It can cause enormous and sometimes irreparable damage to capital owners and decision-makers at the micro and macro levels.
The development of new technologies is a strategy to compete in the market, countries such as Japan, Germany, and South Korea using this strategy to compete with countries such as the US and China. The same applies to companies. However, technology development is not an easy task and requires careful planning and a carefully established structure. After market and technology analysis, there is a need for a comprehensive and rigorous program to develop a specific technology. This rigorous program, called the Technology Roadmap, comes from the collaboration between technical professionals and managers and addresses the technological and strategic concerns and challenges of technology development. roadmap feed includes various analytics such as technical analysis, patent analysis, article analysis, interview with experts and statistical analysis of surveys, SWOT analysis, hype charts, technology life cycle charts, and other technical and managerial analyzes. The output of this document is a very detailed program, in which the outputs of each step of the program, as well as its threats and opportunities along the way, are precise and quantifiable, moreover, alternatives available are addressed in this document.

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