In the R&D process as well as in academic research, the first stage is to select the technology to work on, which is the most important, sensitive, and sometimes the most difficult step of the R&D process. This choice for research processes should be based on accurate information, away from cognitive biases and decision-making domains....

With the vast expansion of science and the consequent blurring of the boundaries between different technologies, entering this area without having a comprehensive map and plan is like stepping into a sea whose depth and breadth are unknown and may cause confusion and difficulty to find the right paths. To embark on any technology, both...

It is advisable to determine research and business strategies and policies based on quantitative and numerical indices since quantitative indices are easier to analyze, tangible and have a rigorous basis. One of the hallmarks of the technology analysis, especially in the development of new technologies is patent analysis. Patents are documents that possess commercial features...

Today's world is an arena of competition. This competition in the business environment has led companies, organizations, technology owners and researchers, wherever they stand in the technology chain from idea to market, to enhance their situation and gain more share. Therefore, any activity at different levels, including policy-making, support, infrastructure providing, and research activities, requires...