One of the steps in the patent registration is the filing the patent in the national phase. To this end, each inventor should first apply for the patent registration in the country of origin before submitting his patent to the patent offices of other countries. Therefore, familiarity with the patent principles and rules in each...

Patent Filing in Other Countries
To protect a patent in every country we need a patent in that country, and there is no international system for protecting a patent in all over the world by submitting one application. Provisional Patent Application Filling Provisional patent application filling is a kind of registration process that takes place only in the US. In...

It is advisable to determine research and business strategies and policies based on quantitative and numerical indices since quantitative indices are easier to analyze, tangible and have a rigorous basis. One of the hallmarks of the technology analysis, especially in the development of new technologies is patent analysis. Patents are documents that possess commercial features...

Today's world is an arena of competition. This competition in the business environment has led companies, organizations, technology owners and researchers, wherever they stand in the technology chain from idea to market, to enhance their situation and gain more share. Therefore, any activity at different levels, including policy-making, support, infrastructure providing, and research activities, requires...

Industrial Design Registration
Providing services in the domestic and international registration of industrial designs includes following the registration steps from beginning to end, searching and consulting on the applicable classifications and laws upon request, and providing periodic reports on the case progress to inform the applicant. Avinnotech provides all these services to its customers.

Contrary to the popular belief, the patent registration process is not limited to walking to a patent office, presenting your idea and getting a patent. A patent might be a worthless piece of paper and lacks the required rights for its owner, if not properly written. The drafter of the patent always looks to the...

Spending an enormous amount of time and energy on the investigation of the scientific or industrial background of an idea is almost inevitable. Moreover, dealing with infinite numbers of papers, patents and databanks cause unnecessary confusion and exhaustion. Most of the Ideas get deserted at this stage due to challenges of prior art search without...