To protect a patent in every country we need a patent in that country, and there is no international system for protecting a patent in all over the world by submitting one application.
Provisional Patent Application Filling
Provisional patent application filling is a kind of registration process that takes place only in the US. In this type of registration and through it, the applicants have one year to apply for permanent registration of their patent application. Distinguished applicants should note that they are not entitled to any priority if they have not completed their one-year patent application.
Non-Provisional Patent Application Filling
Another method of patenting is permanent registration of the patent in the country concerned. This is the safest method of registration and if the application is approved (granted), the invention will have legal value in the country of registration. This means that the inventor will have the exclusive right (patent certificate) in the registered country to manufacture, export and import, use of products and goods obtained directly through the process of patenting.
Submit to EPO
The European Patent Office (EPO) has provided a proprietary registration method for inventors and private companies to protect their patents in 38 European countries. Various international treaties have been created to facilitate the patent filing processes in different countries, to expedite these processes, and to provide more time for the inventors to file their patent in different countries, the most important of which is the PCT patent.

PCT Treaty registration
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), which is referred to as PCT, is an initial registration process that has simplified the process in 152 member states. In fact, in this type of registration, the applicant can continue the registration process in all member states only by submitting a single declaration, concerning the priority of first disclosure. Under this treaty, the applicant generally has 30 months from the date of the priority right to enter the permanent registration stage in the countries of destination. This process is less expensive.
Based on its experience and the knowledge of its experts, Avinnotech in collaboration with and under the training of some of the best American patent lawyers is one of the few domestic companies that provide patent application drafting and the registration forms with best practices, highest quality and, in the shortest time, to domestic applicants and applicants from overseas, including the US and Europe.