One of the main goals of research and development on the cutting-edge technologies is to produce innovative products and to enter the markets so that research results lead to economic profitability. In this regard, determining the status of technologies from a commercial perspective is crucial for all the actors in the tech chain (from investors and Entrepreneurs to producers of commercial products). Research on ideas and development of technological products with the horizon of turning it into a commercial product and entering the consumers market requires knowledge about various factors that could be crucial in determining the direction of the development of the technology. The most vital factors that should be noted in development of an invention includes, knowledge on current and future status of the technology (research level, R&D level, commercialization level), competing and similar technologies which may hinder or impede the entrance of the selected technology to the market, the life-cycle of the technology that reflects the technology evolution from the emergence to development and predicts the maturity and elimination dates for a specific technology, knowing the types and status of similar commercial products in the market, the interactions of key technology players, research centers and R&D centers.
In this regard, comprehensive information on the commercial status of a particular technology is extracted in the following format at Avinnotech:
- Identify the companies with product/technology
- Technical information on commercialized products (using the database related to the companies)
- Identifying supported research projects and case studies
- Technology Life Cycle (Using Patent Information)
- Review required rules, standards and permits